Canadian EV startup ElectraMeccanica needed a partner to help them launch their first vehicle, the one-seat, three-wheel curiosity called the SOLO.

They had a vision for a future of city driving in which these squid-shaped beauties park in tight spaces, occupy the HOV lane, and generally change the perception of what an urban commute should be.

Nearly 80% of city drives are taken alone. So our challenge was to show future-minded folks that SOLO is the most efficient, cost effective, and just plain weird-in-a-good-way “car” for trips around town. Because why do you need 4 empty seats to run to the store?

In a world that values bigger, bolder, louder, we showed that SOLO occupies its own lane where enlightened trailblazers right size their drive to solve urban mobility challenges.

In other words, tiny car gonna do tiny car things.

Created with Commune Communication.


It was only natural to position the little SOLO against the behemoths taking up space on city streets. While our plans for a full music video were scuttled, I still walked away having written this country song satirizing big ol’ dumb trucks and the city slickers who drive them.


Social, print and retail ads espousing the virtues of an efficient urban commute, and giving the little guy some personality.


As part of Electra’s SEMA expo experience, we unveiled two new SOLO concepts - a performance version and a convertible.

We named and branded the vehicles, then cut together these teasers leading up to the event.


In addition to SEMA, we gave Electra a presence at some of the biggest automotive & tech conferences like CES, the LA Auto Show and, naturally, the International Pizza Expo.

We also concepted, designed, and partially staffed the event at which long-time reservation holders were finally handed their keys, marking the official launch of the SOLO.


We started to pitch this idea of SOLO as a cult. It didn’t fly.